Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Club Symbol - The 5 Point Diamond Of Honesty

I wanted to choose a symbol which would represent the values I had envisioned for the club,
but I found that the club is not just one thing,
it is a club of many facets and a single symbol would not do it justice.

I thought about what the central values of the club were and I could reduce the number down to only as low as 5.

I thought about what shape could translate 5 different themes into a container for a symbol and the answer was a diamond.

The 5 Symbols Are :

Torch = Truth
The Greeks Thought Of The Torch As Being A Symbol For Truth. I Imagine Because Its Light Illuminates The Darkness Of Dungeons, Labyrinths, And Other Places Where Confusion And Despair Would Otherwise Steal One's Sense Of Self

The Thinker = Thought
I combed my mind for a symbol which meant "thinking" to me. At first I thought of a "lightbulb", but that symbol means more "idea" than "thought". I put my chin in my hands and then I had a lightbulb, and I remembered "The Thinker" and there we go.

Heart = Feelings
I cannot stress enough, how invaluable feelings are for discovering one's true self. Historically feelings have been considered a weakness, a distraction, but I know that they are the source of a person's strength, and the fuel for a person's action. "The mind is the vehicle and feelings are the fuel."

The Unicorn = Honor
I spent nearly an hour combing the net for a symbol for honor. I kept coming up with "The Crane" but that doesn't say "honor" to me. Google images gave me military image after military image to attach to the word "honor". I think that humanity is a noble species which is going to move beyond the need for militaries very soon and I did not wish to have a military image as part of the club symbol. Then I thought of animals which are honorable. "The Eagle" was pretty good but conjures up images of militancy since its so heavily used in that vein. "The Lion" was very appealing to me and I decided to use it, but not here.
Then I remembered that I'm reading "Harry Potter" (the whole series) again and all the magical creatures in its pages. I thought of the "Gryffindor" lion and, like I said, I'm using the lion. I thought of Fawkes "The Phoenix". And it would be a good choice. But then I remembered that the Native Americans thought of the "horse" as a symbol of honor, and I remembered the noble Unicorns whom Voldemort cruelly slays to keep himself alive, and I had my symbol.

The Lion = Justice
Naturally I thought of "Asland" from "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe". The noble lion is "king of the beasts" and naturally judges them when the need arises. Obvious click.

There we go.
Why I chose the symbols as they are for the club.

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